The Center for Public Policy is envisioned to assist students both with work-related experience and as a research resource. Students are advised to contact professors who have similar research interests in order to determine whether any student opportunities are currently available. Also, the data produced by the Center for Public Policy is extremely useful and can be utilized for class assignments, research projects, senior projects as well as graduate theses.
Public Safety Consolidation |
Victoria Gomez, Janet Perez, and Timothy Smith Under the guidance of Dr. Christine Gardiner
What Works? Short-Term, In-Custody Treatments Programs.
Jaslene Lizama, Sean Reyes, and Vikram Matthew
Under the guidance of Dr. Christie Gardiner
Citizen Oversight Committees in Law Enforcement
Eduardo L. Calderon
Maria Hernandez-Figueroa
Under the guidance of Dr. Christie Gardiner -
Probation: What Works?
Jonathan Lee
Allen Lim
Under the guidance of Dr. Christie Gardiner -
What Works? Short-Term, In-Custody Treatment Programs
Jaslene Lizama
Vikram Matthews
Sean Reyes
Under the guidance of Dr. Christie Gardiner